What to Do in a Mental Health Crisis: How Urgent Care Can Help

A mental health crisis can be an overwhelming and frightening experience, both for the individual and those around them. Knowing how to respond and where to seek help is crucial. Urgent care centers are becoming increasingly vital in offering immediate support during these challenging situations. This article explores what to do in a mental health crisis and how urgent care can help.

Recognizing a Mental Health Crisis

Mental health crises can present in various ways, but some common signs include:

  • Intense mood swings or emotional outbursts
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
  • Severe anxiety or panic attacks
  • Hallucinations or paranoia
  • Social withdrawal or inability to function

If these symptoms appear, it’s important to act quickly. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 22.8% of U.S. adults experienced mental illness in 2021 (57.8 million people), with around 5.5% (14.1 million people) experiencing serious mental illness. This emphasizes the importance of knowing when and where to get help.

Steps to Take During a Mental Health Crisis

In a crisis, the right steps can make a significant difference.

  1. Stay Calm: If you’re assisting someone, remain calm to help ease the situation.
  2. Assess Danger: Is there an immediate risk of harm to the individual or others? If so, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
  3. Seek Help: For less severe situations, consider bringing the person to an urgent care center that handles mental health crises. You can also contact a mental health hotline like 988 (the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) for immediate support.

How Urgent Care Can Help

Urgent care centers are playing an increasing role in mental health crises. They often offer faster service than emergency rooms and can provide crucial immediate care, such as:

  1. Quick Evaluation: Urgent care centers are staffed with trained professionals who can assess the situation quickly, determining the severity of the crisis and the best course of action.
  2. Crisis Intervention: In many cases, they provide short-term interventions, such as medication management or brief counseling, to stabilize the situation. These centers often help manage symptoms like extreme anxiety or emotional distress.
  3. Referral to Specialized Care: If more specialized care is needed, urgent care centers can refer individuals to mental health professionals such as therapists, psychiatrists, or outpatient services. This creates a path for ongoing care and recovery.

NAMI reports that more than half of adults with mental illness in the U.S. did not receive the treatment they needed in the last year. Urgent care can help close this gap by offering timely access to care.

When to Go to the ER

Not all mental health crises can be handled at urgent care. If someone is at immediate risk of harm—such as experiencing suicidal thoughts or severe self-harm—the emergency room is a more appropriate option. Urgent care should be considered for less life-threatening situations when quick support is needed but the individual is not in immediate danger.

Long-Term Mental Health Recovery

Urgent care is a key first step, but long-term mental health requires ongoing support. After the crisis, individuals should work with a mental health professional to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that may include therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Consistent care helps prevent future crises and fosters recovery.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, 50% of mental health disorders begin by age 14, and 75% by age 24. Early intervention and proper care can significantly improve outcomes, and urgent care can be a gateway to finding the right resources.

Support You Need When You Need It

A mental health crisis can be a difficult experience, but understanding how to respond can make a significant difference. Urgent care centers, like DuPage Immediate Care, can provide quick, accessible support, offering evaluation, intervention, and referrals to long-term care. Acting quickly and getting the right help can stabilize the situation and lead to the appropriate resources for recovery.

If you or a loved one needs mental health support, please come visit us at DuPage Immediate Care or visit our clinic today.

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